首页 / 英国夏令营成功案例 / 英国夏令营日记-谢欣睿《2号营趣事》


阅读量:2696 分类:英国夏令营成功案例

Today is 20th.July, I have joined Connexcel summercamp for 10 days, we played a game. I dont know what name is, but it really impresses me.

I call it: Letter hide-and-seek. Let me tell you the rule.


At first, children from different countries are in teams. our team was named the searching team. Then hidden team recieved letter cards. Based on the insturctions on cards, they ran fast like a rabbit. “3, 2, 1. Go!” teacher shouted. We ran too. I didnt found anyone, because I got a wrong way. So sad! But my team members searched everywhere and found them on time. We made a sentence: ***isn’t good at sports.


Next, we were the hidden team. But I didn’t get the letter card because I’m late. How unlucky I am! Searching team members find us too. They make a sentence too.

It’s a really funny game that can connect playing and studying together. Today was a very happy day.

When I was back home, I am planning which camp I will choose next year for Connexcel。I love teachers and I like study style here, I like to play games here best. J

接下来,轮到我们当隐藏队了。不过我因为动作慢了没有得到卡片 (读卡上的提示后知道藏到哪去)后。真倒霉!搜索队找到了我。他们也有口号“嘲笑”我们。

